Dandelion Wine

I recently found myself in a place that "we readers" find ourselves from time to time..."what to read next?" I can say with complete acceptance of the fact that I have a book addiction or fetish, or obsession, or maybe it's just that I am actually a true lover of books. The smell, the feel of the pages in my fingers, the anticipation of a new adventure, or any number of other metaphors to describe the things about books that make me go all nilly willy inside my belly. As I saying, I recently found myself sitting by my bookshelf pulling a book off and reading the first few pages and thinking "nah, it's not the right time for this one". I decided to walk away from the shelf (even though it called my name over and over) and give myself a break from what could have been a "forced read". You know that feeling of reading something just because it's there and it's something you have been meaning to read, even though you aren't really 'feeling it'? So I decided to get online and do some browsing when I found myself on favorite blog site (Padfoot and Prongs) which is really no surprise. I check for daily updates, new posts, reviews ect. ect. On this particular day Prongs had posted a Happy Birthday post to one of my most favorite authors Ray Bradbury. Of course it was a lovely post and by the time I had finished reading it my mind was set on what book to venture into. Thank you Prongs!

DANDELION WINE by Ray Bradbury is about a boy who has a magical summer, after he realizes, "I'm alive, I'm really alive!" He starts to notice things in a much different way, including his family, friends, and the people in his neighborhood. The story goes into events that took place that summer with Doug, his brother Tom, his family and the surrounding town. He experiences joy, fright, loss, and adventure. This book was amazing to say the least and I found myself caught completely up in this story, as I always tend to do with a RB book. I haven't read a "bad" book by this author. Each one is beautiful, and mysterious, and full of sights, sounds and smells. It's true! The writing style of Ray Bradbury is so completely...well you just need to read him for yourself. Why take my word for it?