It is the year of the Tiger

2010 is my year! Is it yours too? For all you Tiger's out there, relish in the changes to take place in your lives and in the world this year:)

Feb. 14, 2010, marks the Chinese Year of the Metal Tiger. Swift, assured and fast, this year will bring dramatic changes all over the world. People will be motivated by honor, seeking distinction on behalf of home, family and country. Righting injustices will also be a theme, as Tigers are powerful enough to make bullies quiver in their boots. Dignity will be the watchword in 2010. People who pander to the lowest common denominator will be cast aside in favor of those who conduct themselves with grace.

According to Chinese Astrology, Tiger years are turbulent, and bring about a number of decisive elections that throw old, outmoded politicians out of power in favor of new candidates. Bold initiatives will take root in 2010, since the Metal Tiger is ready to take calculated risks. Countries that lag behind their competitors will work hard to catch up, and those at the forefront of science, technology and art will do everything in their power to stay on the cutting edge.

Tempers run high in Tiger years, and 2010 will prove no exception. Employers will make heavier demands on their staff, requiring everyone to move with swift precision. Fear of bankruptcy will put even the most easygoing bosses on edge. Similarly, intimate relationships could be affected by this year’s volatile energy. Short, angry quarrels will erupt over trivial matters like picking the movie or leaving the toilet seat up. On the plus side, your sex life will experience a jolt of passion that proves positively blissful. One thing is certain: the Year of the Tiger is never boring!

Famous for their powers of protection, Tigers afford an added measure of security. The Chinese calendar sees 2010 as an excellent year to invest in a burglar alarm, install floodlights that operate on motion sensors and learn self-defense techniques. Arming yourself against danger can keep it at bay. You might also want to learn first aid techniques and outdoor survival skills, especially if you work outdoors or in a job that involves lots of physical labor.

Cool and calculating, Chinese zodiac Tigers like to plan for the future. Therefore, it would be wise to craft a long-term plan in 2010. This could involve going back to school, starting a family, buying a home or all of the above! The important thing is to develop a sensible time-line by which to meet your goals. If you have something concrete to work toward, you’ll make good use of your time this year.

At some point this year, most people will be given an opportunity to leave a secure position behind for the sake of something glamorous, adventurous and exciting. Tiger years often involve big gambles. 2010 will be a wonderful time for anyone seeking a radical life change. For those who prefer to maintain the status quo, this will be a challenging year, as you may be forced to leave a comfortable arrangement and enter into a period of uncertainty. If you look at the shifts ahead as opportunities, rather than burdens, you’ll make the most of the Year of the Metal Tiger.

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