Art and Life

I went back to college...again, to upgrade my associates degree to a B.A. and in doing so have expanded my creative mind to a new level. I go to art school. I am artsy! Hear me roar!!

But seriously, I was under the impression that I was an open book of creativity when it came to photography and art, and well, maybe I was, it was just a really short book is all. Actually I don't think this book will ever be finished. With that I mean the world of photography and art is constantly changing and well, there is always something new to learn. This is the essential part of why I love photography! I am one of those people who constantly craves knowledge and thrives on learning new and different ways to view the world around me. Since returning to school I have discovered that I can draw, kind of. It's a process and I'm learning more all the time, just like with my photography. While attending the Ohio Institute of Photography and Technology I absorbed so much knowledge about photography, I was prepared to jump in with both feet and thought it would be simple to find a place in the profession. I was wrong. Yes, I said it, wrong. It's so very difficult to get your foot in the door in the world of photography, and trust me I tried for 2 years before I finally decided that I was done with working for $6 and hour and come hell or high water I was going to have a damn job that pays me what I'm worth!! And yes fellow photographers we are worth more than minimum wage!! Way more.

So here I am, with a ton of homework, a schedule that leaves little time for anything else, and I'm as happy as a pig in sh*t!

I have to add that my first school OIP&T was an experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. That school is amazing and the instructors there seriously know their stuff! I miss most of them and try to stay in touch with a a few. Mark, Paula, Dave, Doug and Todd were my go to people. If I needed anything they were always there to answer my questions or show me a new technique with lighting, or photoshop. * guys rock! I'm not sure I will be learning anything more than I already learned from you. Seriously, I could never put a price on what I learned at OIP&T.

So far my this new college is cool, I'm learning a ton about art and drawing (Mark was right, they are teaching me how to draw). I have decided that I love drawing, with graphite pencils being my media of choice. I also find myself cruising the art aisle a lot now and actually know what I'm looking at. It's great!

This was shot in my home, lit with daylight. Equipment camera and a reflector. This was an image for one of my photo classes.

I took this while on my first hike of the year and actually printed it out for a friend for a birthday gift.

So on another note I got a new tattoo!! The quote is from the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. Fantastic book!!


Peter said...

Hi there, just googled info on one of my top authors and happened to end up here. Just wanted to say that I really really like that tat! =)

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